Welcome to our QA section where we have some of our most commonly asked questions to our packages, systems, and company.
If you have any queries that arent listed here or you need more explaination to ones that are please contact us for more information.
All our packages include:
Optional features that can be added later, include....
However, domain names can be purchased for as little as £9 a year.We would highly recommend the following domain name types:
However, if you do want something different, there are another 700 top level domains to choose from!.
Contact us for more information.
Amazing, yes.
You own all the Html code,css javascript and other file types that make up your website.
The main reason we can do fixed price websites with a variety of styles and types is that we engage very good third party designers to create specialised website templates.
OnMobileWebsites web developers then uses these templates to create your customised site.
Less time equals less cost to you, and you still get a super site, that you own.
We would highly recommend that you have the basic social accounts to communicate and connect with, not only your current customers but also your furture ones.
Social connections through these sites are highly beneficial for not only SEO but also for reaching out to specific target markets that could increase the sales of products or services immensely.
For starters, having a company or commercial entity page on Facebook, and a twitter account (good for announcements of new products or services etc) is the bare minimum
We can recommend others, like trip advisor for hotels and restaurants. Yelp for food outlets and takeaways, Linkedin for any professionally based consultants etc..
Yes, for an additional fixed charge.
We will also attempt to find a suitable account/page name unique to your business for the Social networks you have chosen.
Contact us for information, advice and pricing.
Just send us an email, to support@onmobilewebsites.co.uk we will repsond as soon as we can.
Yes, contact us at support, we can help advise, and resolve any questions or issues you have with any of our products and services that you use.
We are OnMobileWebsites Ltd, a UK registered Company